Community Information Bulletin

The following information is provided in an effort to keep the citizens of Yuma County informed of monthly activities and statistics for the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office.

Community Events

During the month of August 2024, the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office participated in the following community events:

YCSO Scams Prevention Presentation

On August 8, 2024, a YCSO Deputy conducted a presentation to members of the Fort Yuma Rotary regarding scam prevention.

YCSO Detention Youth Career Presentation & Tour

On August 24, 2024, YCSO Detention Officers hosted a youth behavioral group for a presentation about the Detention Officer profession and the importance of making smart decisions. The youth group also received a tour of the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office Detention Center Jail Annex building. NOTE: The cells in the jail annex building are currently unoccupied.

Administration Bureau

Civil Department

During the month of August 2024, the YCSO Civil Department personnel provided the following services:
  • Fingerprinting: 142
  • Civil Process Service
    • Received 407 legal documents for service
    • Served 220 legal documents

Records Department

During the month of August, the YCSO Records Department personnel processed the following:

Reports merged 2,159
Reports processed for court 172
Victim notifications received 236
Impounded vehicles 2
Impound releases 7
Validations 96
Public Records Requests completed 390
Local Record Checks completed 264
Scanned/Imported documents 3,199
Data entry 742
Jacket consolidations 40

Sex Offenders

The YCSO is responsible for registering sex offenders who reside in Yuma County. This includes new registrations, address changes and/or updates, and confirming offenders that have moved out of the area. During the month of August 2024, the YCSO:
  • Registered 4 new offenders
  • Confirmed 5 sex offenders moved out of Yuma County
  • Received 48 sex offender updates (includes address changes, employment changes, phone numbers, etc.)
  • Issued 2 community notifications
  • Conducted 52 sex offender compliance checks
  • Tracked a total of 322 sex offenders currently living in Yuma County

    • Pending Level assessment: 0
    • Level 1: 177
    • Level 2: 81
    • Level 3: 64

  • Tracked 9 sex offenders incarcerated in the Yuma County Detention Center

Detention Bureau

During the month of August 2024, the average daily inmate population was 425, of which:
  • 361 were adult males
  • 64 were adult females
  • 44 are sentenced inmates

During this period, the YCSO Detention Bureau:

  • Processed an average of 14 bookings per day
  • Processed an average of 13 releases per day

A total of 448 inmates were admitted, of which:

  • 342 were adult males
  • 104 were adult females
  • 2 were juvenile females

A total of 423 inmates were released, of which:

  • 331 were adult males
  • 90 were adult females
  • 2 were juvenile females

Patrol Bureau

During the month of August 2024, the YCSO received an average of 339 calls for service per day.

Total calls for service: 10,508 (YTD: 90,671)

Traffic Related Incidents

  • 63 traffic collisions
    • 0 fatal collisions (YTD: 11)
    • 13 injury collisions (YTD: 141)
    • 0 injury collisions alcohol related (YTD: 4)
    • 40 non injury collisions (YTD: 352)
    • 2 non injury collisions alcohol related (YTD: 16)
    • 8 private property collisions (YTD: 100)
  • 137 traffic citations (YTD: 1,110)
  • 8 DUI citations (YTD: 38)
  • 160 traffic incidents (YTD: 1,401)
  • 85 traffic repair orders (YTD: 823)
  • 266 traffic warnings (YTD: 2,510)

Foothills Substation

The YCSO Foothills Substation received an average of 5 walk-in customers per day (Monday-Friday, excluding holidays) during the month of August 2024. During this period, Foothills Substation personnel processed the following:

Vacation notifications 0
Public Records Requests received 11
Public Records Requests completed 0
Local Record Checks received 1
Local Record Checks completed 0
Orders of Protection received 1
Orders of Protection served 0
Civil documents received 2
Civil documents served 2
Fingerprints 16
Notary Public 2
Tax payments received 0

Communications Department (Dispatch)

The YCSO Communications Department not only dispatches for the Sheriff’s Office, but they also dispatch calls for the Yuma County Animal Control, Wellton Police Department, Tacna Fire Department, Martinez Lake Fire Department, and Tri-Valley Ambulance.

During the month of August 2024, the YCSO Communications handled the following calls:

  • Incoming calls: 10,061
    • 911 calls: 2,280
    • Admin calls: 7,781
  • Outgoing calls: 1,851

During this same period, the YCSO Communications dispatched a total of 11,058 computer aided dispatch (CAD) calls as follows:

  • YCSO: 10,686
  • Other agencies: 372

Yuma County Sheriff’s Office League of Volunteers

During the month of August 2024, the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office League of Volunteers (SOLV) donated a total of 205 hours (YTD: 3,343.5) to the YCSO and the community which consisted of the following:

Volunteer Group Hours Donated
Civilian Volunteers 131
Explorers 58.5
Posse 0
Reserve Deputies 15.5
Search and Rescue 0

Events & Call-Outs

Call-Outs: Some of the call-outs that the SOLV members worked during the month of August were as follows:

  • Volunteers: 1 call out to assist with traffic control at a residential fire; 1 call out to assist the Criminal Investigations Bureau with crime scene security.

Events: Some of the events that the SOLV members participated in during the month of August were as follows:

  • No scheduled events during the previous month.

Security, Traffic or Crowd Control

In addition to the above listed events, YCSO deputies, reserve deputies and/or volunteer units provided security, traffic or crowd control for the following events:
  • There were no events during the month of August.

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